Thursday, November 15, 2012

ok so today didn't go as planed but it ended up good, well u (will) prob wont think so, but here goes----
The girl that showed up at my Studio when U was leaving today was wanting a job, she has it, I am excited to say :-)
ok so I get home from wrk around 6 walked 3 miles fast, :-)
then I realize that I'm hungry Y u may ask well its becuz i haven't eatin since lunch so i------- and this is the part i think ur not going to like -------
I stopped at Toco Bell and order what I thought was a heathy chose and had water instead of a soda as u call it i call it a Coke
So I'm asking u to forgive me until i learn what to order at these places
I had NO suger today at all

Ok so its been a few days
Im sorry for that but I cant go back I never go backwards
today I ate for breakfast
oatmeal with nuts and two glasses of water
no snack :-(
salad with an assortment of leafy greens the usual stuff
green beans
carrots (shredded )
sunflower seeds
and lite raspberry Walnut dressing
and two glasses of water

I will post what i have for dinner later

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ok I had such a headache so I didn't log the day. all I really have to say today about yesterday is I didn't walk, and the food i had was
oatmeal with walnuts banana, Two glasses of water
salad with carrots,sunflower seeds, eggs, two types of greens and huny mustard, two glasses of water
small pizza from Nukes with little cheese, tomato, cilantro two glasses of water
ice cream (small amount) two glasses of water

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

the beginning of time

Ok Its the second day of my transformation into becoming a strong man.
I got up to find out that the Super Hero was sick and couldn't go do the walk, so I went back to bed :-)

"Hey Bro"! he says, so now its hey bro is it? I guess I can get used to being Called Bro is not something im used to but ok I can go it.
I think
so I get up thinking I'll walk tonight and I did :-)
3 miles
the extra mile ------ well you'll read later Y the extra mile
So off to wrk I go
I get off around 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ok here Is the food part its the reason y I am doing this blog thing with by the way I never ever thought I would do but the Super Hero is making me do it
Breakfast consisted of two pieces of 9 grain whole wheat bread with peanut butter  (2 tbl spoons) 2-8oz glasses of water
oh and a half can of coke to take the pills with (cuz I woke up with a headache)
snack---- pecan and sesame seed (spelling?) crackers like 7 of them One glass of water
lunch Hamburger coke :-( I know
skipped afternoon snack
but I did have 2 80z glasses of water
dinner homemade vegie soup And 2 8 oz glasses of Water

ok Super Hero------ before u start telling me all about whats wrong with the chooses I made to eat today, it was what was available and it didn't cost me anything to eat. but I assure I am taking this series
and as soon as i have the $ i am going shopping with the list u told me to get and nothing else
and by the way I walked an extra mile because of the food I ate today.
so U cant be mad at me :-)
ok I'm signing off


the beginning

In the beginning it was just that, the beginning of what I'm thinking another one of the times in my life where I am wanting to let go of the Person that has live in me since he day I was born, the one that could never be, so here I go-----
I woke up at 5 am but got out of bed at 5:15 am, I was to meet Boyd at 5:30, but he had text me and said 6 would wrk better for him, then got a text telling me that he was running ten min late, I was ok with it. We arrived at the place he had suggested we start this Project, The Ocean Springs Bridge, The bridge that we all waited for to be built after Katrina, with great anticipation I might add.
It was a bit chilly this day but all I had to wear that would fit was shorts and a hoody it kept me worm enough. We did the usual a few min of stretching and then the long walk over the bridge, I survived
I have to confess my eating habits have not changed yet for several reasons 1 Money and 2 I have to learn how to shop for good heathy food. but this challenge is going to change all  that.
so with that said ---- yesterdays food  ---- two pieces of nine grain bread with peanut for breakfast
                                                                a few pieces of leftover candy from the Halloween bucket
                                                                a apple and pecan salad from Wendy's
                                                                leftover chili from I made for the Peter Anderson fest
                                                               and lots and lots of water